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World's smallest class mass production deep groove ball bearings

World's smallest class mass production deep groove ball bearings

World's smallest class deep groove ball bearings making fully use of outstanding technologies cultivated through years of precision ultra-small size bearing production

  • Super high precision low noise ball bearings
  • Satisfied international standard of "AFBMA ABEC-5 (JIS P 5 grade)" .
  • Anti-rust stainless steel material is used.

November 10, 2005. It was awarded as outstanding technicians (contemporary masterpieces).

November 10, 2005.  It was awarded as outstanding technicians (contemporary masterpieces).An employee of NSK Micro Precision Co., Ltd. honored award of outstanding technician (contemporary masterpieces) "from the "Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare"

<Awarded reason>
He has been engaged solely for the groove grinding and its super finish process, those of which are the most important process of miniature ball bearing for applications like motors and computers. He has established a process method for super precision ultra-small bearing, which used to be considered as nearly impossible. With his prominent skill, he managed to produce the world’s smallest ball bearing *(OD:2mm, ID:0.6mm) and have made a breakthrough for size minimization for application such as IT and medical field.。
* As of November 2005

【Outline of the outstanding technician (contemporary masterpieces) award system】
Name: "Recognition of outstanding technicians (contemporary masterpieces)" (Commendation by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare)
The gist: The purpose is that engineers can push forward confidently toward their profession to widely spread the style of respect for skills to the general society, to improve the status and technical level of engineers, and to improve the momentum for young people to become skilled workers with pride and hope according to their appropriateness.

Awarded the Ojuhosho (Medal with a Yellow Ribbon for industriousness)on November 3, 2006

黄綬褒章受賞An employee of NSK Micro Precision Co., Ltd. were awarded the Ojuhosho Reward in fall 2006. The outline is as follows.

<Awarded reason>
In recognition of the fact that the world's smallest ball bearing processing technology was established in the summer, it was decided that our engineers were awarded following the award from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare "Recognition of outstanding technicians (contemporary masterpieces)".

【Outline of ojuhosho, Medal with a Yellow Ribbon for industriousness system】
Purpose: The prize is awarded to individuals and organizations that have been successful in social, public and cultural aspects. The Ouju-hosho (Yellow Ribbon Reward) is a newly established from "honorary reward of 1955" and it was decided that targeting "those who are encouraged in business and who have technologies and achievements that would be another example, aiming to increase the number of people receiving the prize".

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Outer diameter 2.0 mm (0.078 inch)
Inner diameter 0.6 mm (0.0236 inch)
Width 0.8 mm (0.0314 inch)
Ball size diameter 0.3 mm (0.0118 inch) x 7 pieces
Material Martinsitic Stainless Steel